383. Cole wearing two different shoes to church (it was a style thing, it had nothing to do with NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND A SINGLE MATCHED PAIR OF SHOES!!!)
384. Avonlea's double chin
384. Avonlea's double chin
385. Slowing down and enjoying our mornings - I was always in a hurry and didn't even know it. Now, that I'm on the lookout for special moments the mornings are relaxed and fun.
386. Cole's obsession with markers (mostly taking the tops on and off)
387. The book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
. It is changing my habits in an amazing way
387. The book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
389. A sweet friend volunteering (without us asking) to watch our kids so that Matt and I could go on a date
390. Blake (referring to an apple that I had pealed and sliced like chips) - "this apple wooks wike an octogon"
391. The many life changing pieces of advice (mostly related to parenting) that I've gotten from my sweet friend, Jess Baker - she's a pampered chef consultant if anyone needs anything :)
392. One of the specific things I've learned from her - "Put all your the toys away and let the kids play with one (or one group of them) at a time" - Thanks Jess! The house looks so much better and the boys play with each individual toy with much more focused attention (plus, they think they get new toys all the time, because they forget about them)
393. One other thing I learned from her (that makes this blog possible) "You can set their wake time" The boys now sing, talk and play in their beds until I get them - it is WONDERFUL!
394. All the time that Blake and Cole spend playing on the playmat
grandaddy gave Blake for his birthday - thanks grandaddy (and ollie)
grandaddy gave Blake for his birthday - thanks grandaddy (and ollie)
395. Cole smiling at me through his crib slats
396. A fun day at the Belfast Park - and the dirty faces that come with it :) :)
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