719. Safety through a storm
720. Freedom
721. Bad dreams - and the fact that they are dreams and not reality
722. Figuring out where I've met someone who seemed really familiar
723. Sharing things I love with friends
724. Decluttering & organizing
725. Catching up around the house
726. New babies
727. The times God works us through our fears instead of around them
728. Not going anywhere
729. The boys doing the "daddy dance" through the church nursery window
730. Avonlea "talking" more and more
732. Nursing Avi (wasn't able to nurse Cole as long as I would have liked)
733. The many gifts I forget to write down
734. The playroom/laundry room in our basement
735. Sunday drives
736. Motivational blogs and speakers
737. Julie Ann Jones - direct sales blogger (but she's effecting all areas - especially organization)
738. Steam vac-ing while listening to J.A.J.
739. 3 am desk clean ups
740. Vision (referring to excited ideas...but thankful for my eyesight too :)
741. The song "God is so good. God is so good. God is so good, He's so good to me"
742. Believing 741 (& realizing that I haven't always)
743. Singing with all of my heart
744. Starting to write a song with a friend
745. Garage band (the mac program)
746. The visual analogy of a "gremlin" - little mean guy who whispers lies in your ears - things like - "he or she doesn't like you" - "they haven't called you because they are mad at you" etc...

747. Saying goodbye to the "gremlin" and replacing him with Truth
748. Breakfast with Matt
749.Celebrating Matt's bday - soooo thankful for him!
750. Quiet walks across the Belfast footbridge
751. Prayer chats in Gmail
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