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762 -769

762. Blake - "Cole, wanna read the bible?"  Cole - "Thank You."  - as well as the fight that followed when Blake changed his mind.
763. A successful MESSY MONDAY - we browned meat, boiled eggs,  made flour, whole wheat bread, zucchini bread & oatmeal cookies
764. Morning Focus Ideas - I am hoping to get the kids as involved as possible in each of these...
     Messy mondays - baking & cooking ahead
     Thorough Tuesdays - cleaning the house
     Where-about Wednesdays - appointments & errands
     Thursdays - something for or with friends at my house - babysitting etc...
     Farmer Fridays - Farmers Market and/or Grocery Store
765. Naptime/Worktime Focus Ideas - I have so much work to do during naptime that I often don't know where to start - sometimes I have so much work to do that I don't do anything
     Monday - Matt's Missions - he emails me regularly with business things that need to be done
     Tuesday - Taxes - going to try my best to catch up and keep up
     Wednesday - Website maintenance
     Thursday - Team Building - Jockey
     Friday - Financial - Bills etc..
766. Ugly/Beautiful -  Rough edges in our marriage/God refining us both, security in our relationship despite the ups and downs
767.Cole sitting on my ankle every time I nurse the baby (to play gidy-up game)
768.Admitting to myself that 3 young children is very hard work - physically, emotionally and spiritually - TOTALLY WORTH IT, but INCREDIBLY hard...and I CAN'T DO IT IN MY OWN STRENGTH.
769.The Lord, my refuge.


  1. #769. Amen.

    I love you...
    It is hard. It is worth it. But.... it IS HARD, and exhausting... and you have three businesses....

    praying for you, my friend.


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