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931 - 956

931. A dear friend spending an entire day (and more) helping and encouraging me as I redesigned (and renamed) Grace in the Midst
932. Letting the boys stay up later than usual one night because I was enjoying them so much
933. Reading books to Blake, Cole & Avonlea in our big blue rocking chair
934. Singing
935. Spontaneity
936. Looking forward to a visit with my Dad and Stepmom
937. Cole falling asleep on Krissy's lap during church (and all of her help on Sunday mornings!)
938. A room full of children singing praise to God
939. Finally finding the perfect place for all our living room furniture - and Matt actually agreeing!
940. An evening of encouragement with dear friends
941. Letting Go and letting God
942. Blake - "Daddy, these leaves are for can keep them all day"...He had filled a cup with fallen leaves - Somehow children realize that the simple things truly are gifts
943. Talking on the phone with my soulmate for almost an hour
944. Learning that a bad morning doesn't have to equal a bad day
945. Forgiveness
946. Avonlea loving veggies - I CAN'T BELIEVE my little princess is already eating solids!
947. Blake and Cole riding around our living/kitchen circle on their tricycles
948. How much being a parent is changing me
949. Matt making the time to start watching the Parenting Matters videos we got at the conference
950. Judy, the owner of Aunt Judys Uniforms, watching the boys for me while I brought Avonlea to her hip ultrasound
951. Ugly/Beautiful - the car breaking down in the hospital parking lot/kindess of strangers and friends
952. The servant hearted people at our church who go out of their in the kitchen and beyond (thank you for 3 Sundays of is such a gift to have a break from cooking!
953. Cole and Blake being really good during worship practice
954. Worship
955. Learning how to make even the simplest tedious tasks into acts of worship
956. The fact that my God, my family and my friends love me despite my imperfections.


  1. <3
    I love you.
    I am so incredibly grateful for you... and you made my list twice.
    461, which you knew, and 476, which I HOPE you knew...


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