Praying through the Lord's prayer daily is one of the most life changing habits I have ever made. On the days that I skip it, which have been quite a few lately, I can't believe how different I feel. Its as if I am lost. I've missed it so much. I shared the process with a couple of friends and they keep reminding me how much of a difference it is making in their daily walk - so, I'm re-joining them :) I do it in a number of ways - sometimes in letter form (like below), sometimes in list form (listing proof of His existence, attributes of his name, reasons I long for His kingdom...and so on), and sometimes simply praying through it in the shower (my prayer closet) ;) Would you consider joining us in this daily habit? Our Father - Dear Abba (daddy), Who art in heaven Sometimes it is hard for me to remember that you really are there. Though your creation makes it obvious in so many ways - and the blessings you pour out upon my life are unbelievable - often ...