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Life changing - the Lord's prayer

Praying through the Lord's prayer daily is one of the most life changing habits I have ever made.  On the days that I skip it, which have been quite a few lately, I can't believe how different I feel.  Its as if I am lost. I've missed it so much.

I shared the process with a couple of friends and they keep reminding me how much of a difference it is making in their daily walk - so, I'm re-joining them :)

I do it in a number of ways - sometimes in letter form (like below), sometimes in list form (listing proof of His existence, attributes of his name, reasons I long for His kingdom...and so on), and sometimes simply praying through it in the shower (my prayer closet) ;)

Would you consider joining us in this daily habit?

Our Father - Dear Abba (daddy),

Who art in heaven
Sometimes it is hard for me to remember that you really are there.  Though your creation makes it obvious in so many ways - and the blessings you pour out upon my life are unbelievable - often my feelings don't match up.  Lord Jesus, remind me today that you are truly there, on your throne, sovereign.

Hallowed be they name
Lord, I have been a Christian for so long and yet I know so little about your name.  I do know that you are bigger and more amazing than I could ever comprehend.  And, Lord - I know you are perfectly pure.  You are the only perfectly pure person or thing that has ever been.  Father may I focus on you and your perfection, rather than the many other things that pull for my affection or attention - whether negative or positive.

Thy Kingdom come
It really is so easy to forget that we are merely passing through in this life.  It is so tempting to be eaten up by the fears, worries and even offerings of this kingdom here on earth.  Lord, thank you that there is so much more than this.  Thank you that one day we will be with you.  That everything around us will be perfectly peaceful, joyful, beautiful and fun.  Thank you also Lord that though life on earth is hard, the more we look to you - the more little glimpses we get of your kingdom.  More peace.  More forgiveness.  More joy.  More of you.

Thy will be done (on earth as it is in heaven)
Lord, you know every desire of my heart.  Every fear, every stress.  Though I need not tell you every detail (as you know me so well), I am going to list the ones that come to mind this morning in the hopes that officially bringing them before you and asking for your will instead of mine will bring the peace that passes understanding that your word promises.  Thank you for the verse in 1st Peter that reminds us to cast all of our cares upon you.  Thank you also for the beautiful visual my dear friend gave me of literally casting stones into the ocean and watching as they are carried away by the tide - each one representing a particular fear, longing or stress.  Thank you, even more so, that though I am rarely close enough to the ocean to literally cast stones - you are always near - ready to take all of my burdens. Thank you for inspiring me to write each longing, and anxious thought down...then circle them as a representation of casting them before you.

Give US this day our daily bread
Me: Financial provision, peace, joy, energy, trust, compassion
Matt: Trust, Hope, Inspiration
Our kids: Glimpses of you, A spirit of wonder
A struggling friend: Peace, strength, trust
A sad friend:Healing, comfort, hope

Forgive us our sins
Lack of trust

As we forgive those who sin against us
A selfish choice
The kids bickering, grumbling, complaining
Hurtful words
Being misunderstood

Lead us not into temptation
Father, you know my temptations today...
-Escaping (through sugar, media, shopping etc...) rather than embracing what you have for me 
-Focusing on the negative instead of the postive
-Speaking harshly

But deliver us from evil
Lord, may we not forget that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12.  Please protect us from the enemy today Lord.  May we walk in complete victory.

For thine is the Kingdom, the power, the glory, forever
Remind me when I forget today that really -  It's all about you! :)


  1. Jesus' prayer does highlight the name, kingdom, and will of "our Father." Already, in Mt. 5:1-6:6 Jesus has taught his disciples much about what God wills, so they know that to be called children of God they must be peacemakers (5:9), who love even their enemies, just like their Father (5:44-45). And other things like being meek/gentle, merciful, pure in heart, and joyful in persecution are some of the good works that give glory to their Father (5:5,7,8,11-12,16). In Mt. 5:20-6:6 Jesus contrasts his commands with those from their "fathers" (authorities) in the synagogues (and their forefather Moses). Thus the prayer focuses on revering the name of Father (the one in heaven rather than those on earth), committing to the Father's kingdom (rather than the kingdoms of earth), and doing the Father's will (rather than laws of earthly fathers, that include such things as hating enemies).

    1. Thanks for these thoughts. I have always loved the Lord's prayer. Sometimes, however, I find myself accidentally repeating it, without really reflecting on the meaning. This process of personalizing it has helped me submit all areas of my life to Him. I am thankful that it focuses on His Name, His Kingdom & His Father's will - as it is so easy to get wrapped up on the things of this world.


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